Saturday 9 May 2020

Definition of Done Checklist

A story is fully done when the below phases are done.

Analysis (What)
  1. Story Description: The story is detailed, what does it aim to achieve as the?
  2. Story Scenarios: The edge cases of the story are detailed.
  3. Story Conditions of the Acceptance is written in details
  4. Story Review Session: The overall high level view of the story
  5. Stories being sized in points regarding complexity e.g. 3, 5, 8 etc.
  6. Story Kick off session: To go through the story details and all its edge cases and conditions of acceptance in details. All the questions should be answered at this phase.
The Developer will know exactly what the PO/BA would like to achieve.

Design (How)
  1. The solution how to implement is proposed, discussed and agreed with the Architect/Lead dev.
  2. Story Estimation: the story is estimated in more details
  3. Smaller Tasks are created out of the design session
The Developer will know how exactly the story should be achieved and how long it'd take.


  1. The main scenario/edge cases are developed
  2. Unit tests are written and pass
  3. Component tests are written and pass
  4. The PR is created
  5. The code is built with no errors
  6. Test coverage remains within limit.
  7. The PR code is reviewed by peer devs
  8. The PR demo is reviewed by peer UX/UI designers
  9. PR feedbacks are resolved
  10. PR is approved and merged
The Developer believes the story is fully implemented.

Testing (Quality)
  1. Test cases and plans are written based on the story main and edge scenarios
  2. Tests conducted and issues logged and reported.
  3. Acceptance criteria is met
  4. Issues are resolved.
  5. Test cases pass successfully
  6. Product owner signs off
The Tester believes the story is fully implemented according to the requirements and the Product Owner signs it off meaning ready for deployment.


The Product Owner believes that the story has deployed to live.

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